保育実習 -
福祉施設訪問 -
西洋料理講習会 -
In Sakurai High School, the students work on the activities of Future Homemakers of Japan.
In our activities we are making use of what we study in our Home economics lessons and sharing our ideas.
【手作りマスクで届ける想い 感染予防呼びかけ ~マスクVSコロナウイルス~】
【Feelings sent by hand made masks and calling for prevention against infection ~masks vs corona virus ~】
Our life changed by the expansion of new corona virus infection.
The school was temporarily closed, but we thought there was something we could do, so we decided to make masks with something familiar to us.
Utilizing the abilities we have cultivated so far, we created unique masks and they are original for each person.
【Presenting “handmade aprons” with love 】
We accepted a request from the Council of Social Welfare in Kurobe, and we made aprons.
Using the clothes of the pattern of the red feather community chest, the students studying “Fashion modeling” played a central role in this production.
We also made masks cases using the cloth with the illustration of the red feather community chest.
【Future Homemakers of Japan week 】
During the Future Homemakers of Japan week, we make presents for our family every year. This year we made azuma bukuro.
First year students tried hand sewing and used sewing machine taught by third year student.Each student worked politely with thanks. They made very good azuma bukuro.
【Making traffic safety mascots】
Future Homewakers of Japan makes mascots during traffic road safety week.
That is frog mascot, which means “go home safety .“
We made them praying for the safety. Because of the corona virus, We couldn’t give them out personally for local resident this year, We gave them nursery school children.
【バリアフリー大作戦!~ 車椅子編 ~】
【Barrier-free big project! ~Wheelchair Version~】
The third graders studying “children and culture” tautht the first graders of Civil engineering course how to take wheelchair and how to push.
All participants worked on merrily and earnestly.
We could tell them what we had learned.
【生環から普通科、土木科へ エコバック講習会】
生活環境科の3年生が普通科、土木科の1年生に新聞エコバッグの作り方を教え、製作してもらいました。 富山もようの新聞紙を使用し、富山らしいエコバックが完成しました。身近なものでエコバッグが作れることを知ってもらい、環境への関心も高まるきっかけになると嬉しいです。
【Held an eco-bag class from Home economics course to General and Civil engineering course】
Home economics course students taught general and Civil engineering course students how to make Eco shopping bags, and made them together.
We used the newspaper with Toyama design, and eco shopping bags just like Toyama were completed. We want everyone to know that we can make eco shopping bags with familiar items, and we’ll be happy if everyone gets a chance to grow the interest in our environment.
【My Bag Design】
【My Bag Design】
In July of the 2nd year of Reiwa, plastic shopping bags were charged at convenience stores. Taking advantage of what we have learned so far, we applied for the works in the “High School Student My Back Design Contest” for young people.
Some bags have desingns with a message of SDGs and fair trade.One of the Sakurai high school student’s bag received the highest award in the contest
富山大学人間発達科学部の 澤 聡美 先生に来ていただきました。子供から高齢者までの幅広い年齢の方と楽しくできる体操やレクリエーションを教えていただきました。
【The body and heart are warm】
A physical expression technology class was held for those who chose the subject “Children’s Culture” in the third year of Department of Living Environment.
Dr. Satomi Sawa from the Faculty of Human Development Sciences, University of Toyama visited us. He taught us gymnastics and recreation that can be enjoyed with people of all ages, from children to the elderly.
Here are some things examples we could not do this year because of the corona virus.
【Childcare traning】
We can learn about babies and infants, and deepen how to contact and child, through our visit to the nursery school and childcare practice.
You can have an experience that you can utilize in the future.
【レッツラ SDGs!!】
【Let’s SDGs !!】
SDGs is a recent topic. We started studying this topic earlier. We made groups and we searched for things about SDGs. We integrated them on cartridge papers.
The presentation was made in an easy-to-understand format even for those who do not know the SDGs.
In addition, we are actively incorporating SDGs into our daily lives, aiming for a prosperous life together.
【Be considerate-Visit to welfare facilities-】
We are visiting welfare facilities such as Koshiji Sakura and NIikawa Vila.
We thought what kind of recreation they liked, and we prepared it for them.
At the recreation, we made collage and sang a song together and had a nice day.
【Love saves the earth ~ Eco cap ~】
At Sakurai High School, we have set up a collection box for PET bottles and are conducting eco-cap campaign.
We practice what we can do to give us an opportunity to think about the environment.
The collected PET bottle caps are handed out to local organizations every year.
It is used for medical support in developing countries as well as for recycling purposes.